FrostBoss® Testimonials

It's what our customers say about FrostBoss® that matters.

“The investment in FrostBoss® Frost Fans was seen as excellent value compared to the estimated $24 million lost to frost in the previous year.

With a total of 176  frost fan machines, the growers are given peace of mind knowing that  frost mitigation is in place across the groves.”

Rob McGavin

Cobram Estate
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“They’ve been outstanding with the area they cover, ease of access to the motor and large 490 litre capacity fuel tanks.

We also had New Zealand Frost Fans upgrade the old alloy blades on our current machines with the FrostBoss® C39 composite blades (3 blade system) and these have proven to be quieter and more efficient.”

Shavin Chandra & John Ryan

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“Our customers rely on us for supply and to do what we can to protect hard-won shelf space. In fact, one of our customers helped us buy two of the fans.

Frost fans have seen our average yield increase by 2 tonnes per hectare. We prefer fans over water irrigation, which can jeopardise quality if you’re watering for frost when the vines don’t need it."

Adrian Hoffmann

Dimchurch Vineyards
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The global frost protection choice, trusted by growers like these worldwide.

Sacred Hill Marlborough Vineyards Ltd

“The impact from frost damage ripples right through the whole supply chain. Customers expect you to deliver. It’s your reputation at stake and you can’t afford to lose shelf space because it’s hard to get it back.”

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Wine Grapes
Wairau River Wines

Wairau River Wines grow a variety of grapes and export 80 percent of their wines. Prior to having frost fans, they were hit by frost, and one year only got 180 tonnes off a block that usually delivers 2000 tonnes of grapes. “The two frost fan machines on our colder Wairau block save the crop every year”, says Hamish Rose.

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Wine Grapes
Trinity Lands Ltd

“In the days before we had the frost fans, we sometimes used helicopters. It costs about $12,500 to contract a helicopter and once this is used up you pay by the hour. You have to make a decision by 4.30pm whether to call them in and have them on stand-by, even though you may not end up using them. Now we have the frost fans, we don’t have to make those hard calls and it’s easier to sleep at night.”

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A.C.N Orchards

"Whilst it’s only every few years that frosts would have been a disaster without the fans, they're an insurance policy and they prevent what would otherwise be regular crop loss in the low points of undulating land. We have also seen greater consistency in the crop. The FrostBoss® fans are simple to operate and local support and service back up is excellent."

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Apples, Stonefruit
Bindi Wines

"With a vineyard elevation 500 metres above sea level, the fan has run a couple of times over summer. I remember the time and dates and you can sense the peace of mind and relief they provide, automatically firing up around 6.00am on 21st February and also after a light frost on 19th December. It would have clocked up around 20 hours over the last 12 months.

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Wine Grapes
G&M Vraca

"The move into citrus growing came around ten years ago and the trees have been protected by FrostBoss® fans since coming into production. I prefer fans over using water for frost protection because sprinkler lines can freeze. Whilst stonefruit requires winter chilling hours to prolong dormancy, spring frosts cause damage to flowers and fruitlets and can severely reduce yields. Stonefruit at the small green fruit stage are more susceptible to frost damage than the blossoms."

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Citrus, Stonefruit
Te Puke Orchards

“FrostBoss® fans are an ‘insurance policy we wouldn’t be without. We use the remote monitoring option. This enables growers to access real-time monitoring of fans via their smartphone, together with text alarms and historical data and graphs on temperature, run-hours and machine performance. We chose Frost Boss® because they are New Zealand made. The value of the local high quality afterhours service is unparalleled."

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JV Orchards

"With frost fans making it viable to grow lemons, it’s been good for us. Lemons provide cashflow through the winter months and the combination of lemons, pears and stonefruit means we’re picking most of the year providing consistent work for our pickers and packers.”

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Lemon, Pears, Stonefruit
Pacific Fresh

“We put in 2 frost fans in April 2018 in blocks of 18 months old Lemons and Navels. In the winter of 2017, we had many severe frosts in our area with temperatures dropping to minus 5.5ºC and had severe frost damage on our trees with some having to be replaced because of the frost damage. So, we decided to install 2 frost fans in these blocks. In the winter of 2018, there was hardly any damage in the same blocks where the frost fans have been installed and we had temperatures of minus 6.3ºC so they do work. This year we are installing 5 more frost fans.”

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