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An insurance policy preventing regular crop loss.

A.C.N Orchards
Bunbartha, Victoria
Apples, Stonefruit

A.C.N Orchards is a family-owned and operated business, that began in 1984 when Cohn and Nick Parris formed the business.

The brothers dedicated themselves to growing and developing a business based on quality over quantity. The idea was to supply fruit to not only the major supermarket chains and canning factories but to focus on the premium independent retailers as well as the premium export markets.

ACN Orchards in Bunbartha, Victoria grow stonefruit and apples. Brothers Cohn and Nick Parris were third generation growers sharing responsibility for running the business, employing up to 75 staff when picking and packing.

In 2020, ACN Orchards tragically lost a major part of their operation with the passing of Nick. Although Nick took with him a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion that could never possibly be replaced the family decided to continue his legacy in growing and supplying the best possible fruit they can, in his honour.

After Cohn first saw the fans working at his cousin John Parris’ orchard in Bunbartha (north of Shepparton), he bought his first three FrostBoss® C49 machines in 2011, with another three installed during 2014-15.

Whilst it’s only every few years that frosts would have been a disaster without the fans, Cohn sees them as an insurance policy and notes they prevent what would otherwise be regular crop loss in the low points of undulating land. Cohn has also seen greater consistency in the crop. Sometimes you saw a line through the trees where there was no fruit before the fans went in.

ACN Orchards have their own packing shed and with the combination of stonefruit and apple varieties – Granny Smith and Pink Lady – they harvest for six months of the year through until mid-May.

Cohn and Nick did their research. Nick regularly travelled to the USA to research new varieties and growing techniques. And when it came to choosing their frost fans they also did their homework.

“The FrostBoss® fans are simple to operate and local support and service back up is excellent”, says Cohn.

Read more testimonials...

April 24, 2024
Crop Protection Success at Craigmore Sustainables

Craigmore Sustainables experience zero frost damage on their Springhill orchard crops thanks to the strategic placement of 56 FrostBoss Frost Fans.

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New Zealand
August 4, 2023
No noise problems for the neighbours.

“I have been using the product for a year and I hope it continues to work. I had heard that the wind machine propellers make loud noises, which causes problems. On the other hand, the FrostBoss® propellers have very low noise levels and therefore I have no problems with the neighbours.”

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August 4, 2023
Low noise and fuel consumption ticks the boxes.

“I want to emphasize that the noise from the machines is lower and they have helped us in frost control. The Frost Fan alone raises the temperature by 2.5°C, therefore, to reach a higher temperature, we install heaters next to the tower, which between the two raise the heat 4.5°C.”

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Table Grapes

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