
The only thing to do is fill the fuel tank.

Libertador Region

Chamonate SpA., Is a family business located in the commune of Rosario, Rengo city, Libertador Region, a fruit-growing area par excellence.

We spoke with owner Raúl Campaña Goycoolea, fourth generation of the Campaña family.

“These products (the fans) have helped me tremendously because they work automatically by keeping control of the temperature which saves us time. The Frost Fan does the work itself, the only thing that we have to worry about is the fuel tank.”

“We got the Frost Fan in 2020. We have other brands, but we like FrostBoss® the most because it is constructed better and is more complete. The interesting thing is that these machines have monitoring software placed in the cloud.”

“I’ve had a good experience with the company and we have never had problems. They respond right away.”

“What I emphasize is that the system has never failed, they always have it up to date.”

More details are available at www.chamonate.cl

Read more testimonials...

Crop Protection Success at Craigmore Sustainables

Craigmore Sustainables experience zero frost damage on their Springhill orchard crops thanks to the strategic placement of 56 FrostBoss Frost Fans.

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New Zealand
No noise problems for the neighbours.

“I have been using the product for a year and I hope it continues to work. I had heard that the wind machine propellers make loud noises, which causes problems. On the other hand, the FrostBoss® propellers have very low noise levels and therefore I have no problems with the neighbours.”

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Table Grapes
Low noise and fuel consumption ticks the boxes.

“I want to emphasize that the noise from the machines is lower and they have helped us in frost control. The Frost Fan alone raises the temperature by 2.5°C, therefore, to reach a higher temperature, we install heaters next to the tower, which between the two raise the heat 4.5°C.”

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Table Grapes

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