FrostBoss® Testimonials

It's what our customers say about FrostBoss® that matters.

“The investment in FrostBoss® Frost Fans was seen as excellent value compared to the estimated $24 million lost to frost in the previous year.

With a total of 176  frost fan machines, the growers are given peace of mind knowing that  frost mitigation is in place across the groves.”

Rob McGavin

Cobram Estate
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“They’ve been outstanding with the area they cover, ease of access to the motor and large 490 litre capacity fuel tanks.

We also had New Zealand Frost Fans upgrade the old alloy blades on our current machines with the FrostBoss® C39 composite blades (3 blade system) and these have proven to be quieter and more efficient.”

Shavin Chandra & John Ryan

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“Our customers rely on us for supply and to do what we can to protect hard-won shelf space. In fact, one of our customers helped us buy two of the fans.

Frost fans have seen our average yield increase by 2 tonnes per hectare. We prefer fans over water irrigation, which can jeopardise quality if you’re watering for frost when the vines don’t need it."

Adrian Hoffmann

Dimchurch Vineyards
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The global frost protection choice, trusted by growers like these worldwide.

Craigmore Sustainables Springhill Orchard

Craigmore Sustainables experience zero frost damage on their Springhill orchard crops thanks to the strategic placement of 56 FrostBoss Frost Fans.

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New Zealand

“I have been using the product for a year and I hope it continues to work. I had heard that the wind machine propellers make loud noises, which causes problems. On the other hand, the FrostBoss® propellers have very low noise levels and therefore I have no problems with the neighbours.”

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Dos Amalias

“I want to emphasize that the noise from the machines is lower and they have helped us in frost control. The Frost Fan alone raises the temperature by 2.5°C, therefore, to reach a higher temperature, we install heaters next to the tower, which between the two raise the heat 4.5°C.”

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Table Grapes

“These products (the fans) have helped me tremendously because they work automatically by keeping control of the temperature which saves us time. The Frost Fan does the work itself, the only thing that we have to worry about is the fuel tank.”

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Blueberry Country

“A big risk for us is the weather wiping out a crop at a critical time. The three enemies of blueberries are frost, wind and the roots being too wet. Our General Manager at Otautau is alerted to the fans working by a text alarm, triggered by the fans’ remote monitoring system. In addition, the remote monitoring option provides historical data and graphs on temperature, run-hours and machine performance."

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Tetley Brook Estate

“They’ve been outstanding with the area they cover, ease of access to the motor and large 490 litre capacity fuel tanks. We also had New Zealand Frost Fans upgrade the old alloy blades on our current machines with the FrostBoss® C39 composite blades (3 blade system) and these have proven to be quieter and more efficient.”

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Wine Grapes
Dimchurch Vineyards

“Our customers rely on us for supply and to do what we can to protect hard-won shelf space. In fact, one of our customers helped us buy two of the fans. Frost fans have seen our average yield increase by 2 tonnes per hectare. We prefer fans over water irrigation, which can jeopardise quality if you’re watering for frost when the vines don’t need it."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

Wine Grapes
Sacred Hill Marlborough Vineyards Ltd

“The impact from frost damage ripples right through the whole supply chain. Customers expect you to deliver. It’s your reputation at stake and you can’t afford to lose shelf space because it’s hard to get it back.”

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Wine Grapes
Baygold Ltd

"BAYGOLD has four FrostBoss® C49 frost fans, which are used in combination with water for frost protection. The fans are positioned in the more vulnerable, colder, low spots in the orchards and we use them as our first line of defence against frosts. We had three consecutive frosts earlier in the week and only used the fans."

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